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Working at the Beach


My bladder cancer journey

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Bladder mouth Blog

What You Need to Know

This is my first time ever writing a blog, it is also my first time living with bladder cancer.  I want to tell my story/journey so that more women and men will pick up any weird wee problems early.  I thought I had but my sadly my cancer is an aggressive little (2cm tumour) bugger and has spread to my lungs and bones... so it is secondary.  I'm a positive person so I will share with you my highs and lows but lets make them a wee bit witty!  I hope.

Teresa Scott

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Chemo Burps etc

It as been a while since I wrote a blog and there is a good reason for that. The final cycles of my chemo were the hardest and I could...

Black Coral in my bladder

Lets continue my journey with bladder cancer but go back to the 26th October 2021 when I saw the tumour for the first time. Due to covid...

Pilates to Lattes

Hello again, and welcome to my 2nd blog. I know it is nearly a month ago but my 3 week chemo cycle consists of 2 lots of chemo and one...

What's that in my wee????

So this is my first blog post, so please allow me to be a wee bit rusty!! I did have a time when I was pretty good at IT as I sold it! ...

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